jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2015

Flying with Service Animals at JetBlue

It is not always the case, but there are some cases in which passengers have a service animal, and of course, they need to take it with them onboard. Many arilines welcome service animals, and one of them is JetBlue. This American airline provides different assitance services to make its clients feel like at home, and they also accept service animals to make its clients with disabilities feel comfortable too.

JetBlue allows passengers to board the cabin together with their service animals free of charge with their plane tickets. This is good news, as is the fact that not only they accept one per person with disabilities, but they will do their best to accommodate passengers in case a passenger needs to take two or more animals with him or her. This is not always easy since there might be some inconveniences. For instance, there are some safety regulations that must be abided by, such as the FAA safety regulations. In order to comply with them, passengers are likely to need to buy a second seat so as to accommodate the animal. If the passenger has more than one animals and they cannot be accommodated in a single seat, the passenger will likely have to wait for the next flight.

There are some safety restrictions at JetBlue. One of them is that the safety animal cannot be an unusual animal. That is, it cannot be a dangerous animal like snakes or spiders, for example, since it would pose a threat to the health or safety of other passengers in the cabin. Also, the animal must be placed within the aircraft in an area where it does not obstruct an emergency exit or area like an aisle. Some small animals are allowed to travel on their owner's lap. Further, all service animals should have their identifier, harness, or the “credible verbal assurances of a qualified individual with a disability using the animal.” Otherwise, they will not be accepted by JetBlue. Neither accepted are those animals that are still on training to become service animals. The airline will accept those animals that provide necessary assistance to their owner. That is, some of these animals might not be needed during the flight, so their owners cannot be by themselves. Some animals, for example, provide stability, or guide their blind owners.

There are other types of service animals: Emotional support service animals. These are not generally trained to perform their job, which is providing emotional support to people who have an emotional or mental disorder. However, they do have to be trained to behave in public places. These animals are also accepted by JetBlue. For international flights, passengers with service animals will need to comply with health documentation requirements. Each country might have their own pet importation requirements so it is the client's responsibility to learn about them and acquire all the proper documentation needed before they fly with an animal. It is adviced contacting JetBlue representatives to learn more about this restrictions and requirements when traveling with an animal.
Image: Wikipedia